
Application Assistant


Gain insight into your application to assist with standardization and application meta data management.

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Product Bundles

Take advantage of enhanced productivity and exceptional value with the DevPak Assistant, WizPak, WizTrio, or WizSpread product bundles!

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Application Assistant generates Business Intelligence directly from within your Clarion Application .APP files. Data elements can be queried, reported, exported and analyzed with sophisticated ease courtesy of our own powerful Wizard tools.  Available elements include Procedures, Windows, Reports, Controls, Table, and Template usage.

Because we use the powerful ClarionTools Wizards throughout the analysis application, you have familiar access to all of the meta data within your application with our widely respected end user query and reporting systems.

Run queries to satisfy quality control questions like: “Do I have any missing help ids on my windows and/or controls?” or “What are the tooltips for window my controls?”.  Query Wizard provides the tools to create and endless number of conditional queries that are important to you and your application review.

Clarion Support

All versions of Clarion are supported from C55 through the latest C11 releases.

Integration with Dictionary Assistant

When Application Assistant is used together with Dictionary Assistant, you have access to a powerful Exception Reporting system that will compare settings from dictionary fields with those same fields where they are used in the application to produce a very sophisticated exception report. This allows developers to quickly see and fix problems where the application meta data differs from the dictionary settings.

The integration with Dictionary Assistant goes further with the Column Utilization report which provides a cross-reference between the Dictionary Columns and Application Control Usage.


The custom reports combined with Report Wizard, allows you to further your analysis and can be beneficial when communicating with clients or internal project stake holders.

Save custom reports or built-in reports to a variety of formats including: PDF, XML, HTML and Text. Creating custom exports directly to Microsoft Excel using Spreadsheet Wizard opens everything up to custom formatting and analysis when you need it.


Provides a quick overview with graphs that give a high level overview of your application structure and composition.  This is a great place to start and creates another level of understanding of your application providing insight into areas where improvements and organization efforts can be focused.